Going postal movie us
Going postal movie us

going postal movie us

If you do not timely inform us of your choice by the date specified on the Featured Title Offer response card or Featured Title Offer email notification (you’ll always have a minimum of 10 days), the Featured Title will be shipped to you automatically, and either your credit card will be charged on the date of shipment for the amount listed in the Featured Title Offer, or you will be invoiced for the amount listed in the Featured Title Offer, if you agreed to pay by check or money order. Plus, you may also receive up to 2 more seasonal Featured Title mailings or emails per year, for up to 15 buying opportunities a year! You can choose to receive or decline the Featured Title. You may cancel your Membership any time, charges may apply if you have not fulfilled your minimum purchase commitment.Ībout every 4 weeks throughout the year, you will receive a mailing to your address on file or an email to your email address on file indicating your Featured Title Offer. You are responsible for responding to each Featured Title Offer, and understand that if you do not respond within the time specified in your mailing or email, it qualifies as an approval for the Featured Title to be shipped to you and your credit card will be charged for such order or you will be invoiced.

going postal movie us

If you do not timely inform us of your choice by the date specified on the Featured Title Offer response card or Featured Title Offer email notification (you'll always have a minimum of 10 days), the Featured Title will be shipped to you automatically, and either your credit card will be charged on the date of shipment for the amount listed in the Featured Title Offer, or you will be invoiced for the amount listed in the Featured Title Offer, if you agreed to pay by check or money order.

going postal movie us

Prices are subject to change and the Club will notify you of changes in future mailings.Ībout every 4 weeks throughout the year, you will receive a mailing to your address on file or an email to your email address on file indicating your Featured Title Offer. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery of your introductory order. Regular Club prices start at just $19.95 per DVD and Blu-rayTM, plus a shipping and processing charge specified in your offer. The Membership Agreement and your commitment status are always available online. By accepting the initial enrollment offer of introductory-priced titles from the Disney Movie Club, you agree to purchase the minimum number of titles specified in your initial enrollment offer at Regular Club prices (your "minimum purchase commitment") and the terms of the Membership Agreement.

Going postal movie us